Information displayed on this website is composed with great care by Innosys Delft BV. However, responsibility cannot be taken for incorrect data and inconsistencies. Innosys Delft BV solely displays information about products and services that are offered by Innosys Delft BV. Changes can be made without prior notice. Innosys Delft BV does not accept any liability for the incorrect functioning of this website. Innosys Delft BV does not accept any liability for the incorrect display of numbers and figures. Although Innosys Delft BV will make every effort to prevent abuse, Innosys Delft BV is not responsible for information and/or messages that are sent via internet by users of this website. Redirection to websites that are not hosted/maintained by Innosys Delft BV are solely implemented for the information of the visitor. Although Innosys Delft BV is very selective towards the websites that are being redirected to, it cannot be held responsible for the contents of those websites, nor for the functioning of those, nor for the quality of possible products and/or services that are offered there.
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